Watch Paris to Dakar documentary online

August 6, 2013

Below is an hour long documentary from the BBC on the history of the Dakar rally. It is very inspiring to watch these early racers battle the elements. There are thunderstorms moving through Minnesota tonight, so what else do you have to do? Kick back and watch an amazing film.
(Thanks MrFixIt for the link)

2013 L.A. X Games start today, EnduroX Sunday

August 1, 2013

Those of us who get into Adventure & Dual Sport riding don’t have a lot of broadcast T.V. events to watch that are related to our hobby/sport.  However, if you have never seen an EnduroCross event, then it is about as close as you can get right now.  Its a combination of motocross and enduro.  Some of the obstacles these guys cross are mind boggling, and to see them do it in a timed race is quite entertaining.  This weekend you will be able to watch one on ABC sports as the 2013 Los Angeles Xgames EnduroX event is broadcast Sunday from 2-4 CST. If you don’t have cable, this may be the only one you get to see all year. Mark your calendars.